odgi depth

Find the depth of a graph as defined by query criteria. Depth can be node-depth computed by counting all defined paths that run through a node. By default it prints in a tab-delimited format path, start, end, and mean.depth to stdout.


odgi depth [-i, --input=FILE] [OPTION]…


The odgi depth command finds the depth of graph as defined by query criteria. Without specifying any non-mandatory options, it prints in a tab-delimited format path, start, end, and mean.depth to stdout.



-i, --input=FILE
Load the succinct variation graph in ODGI format from this FILE. The file name usually ends with .og. It also accepts GFAv1, but the on-the-fly conversion to the ODGI format requires additional time!

Depth Options

-s, --subset-paths=FILE
Compute the depth considering only paths specified in FILE. The file must contain one path name per line and a subset of all paths can be specified. If a step is of a path of the given list, it is taken into account when calculating a node's depth.
-r, --path=STRING
Compute the depth of the given path STRING in the graph.
-R, --paths=FILE
Report the depth only for the paths listed in FILE.
-g, --graph-pos=[[node_id][,offset[,(+|-)]**]**]
Compute the depth at the given node e.g. 7 or 3,4 or 42,10,+ or 302,0,-.
-G, --graph-pos-file=FILE
A file with one graph path position per line.
-p, --path-pos=[[path_name][,offset[,(+|-)]**]**]
Return depth at the given path position e.g. chrQ or chr3,42 or chr8,1337,+ or chrZ,3929,-.
-F, --path-pos-file=FILE
A file with one path position per line.
-b, --bed-input=FILE
A BED file of ranges in paths in the graph.
-d, --graph-depth-table
Compute the depth and unique depth on each node in the graph, writing a table by node:

node.id, depth, and depth.uniq.

-v, --graph-depth-vec
Compute the depth on each node in the graph, writing a vector by base in one line.
-D, --path-depth
Compute a vector of depth on each base of each path. Each line consists of a path name and subsequently the space-separated depth of each base.
-a, --self-depth
Compute the depth of the path versus itself on each base in each path. Each line consists of a path name and subsequently the space-separated depth of each base.
-S, --summarize
Provide a summary of the depth distribution in the graph. In a tab-delimited format it prints to stdout: node.count, graph.length, step.count, path.length, mean.node.depth (step.count/node.count), and mean.graph.depth (path.length/graph.length).
-w, --windows-in=LEN:MIN:MAX
Print to stdout a BED file of path intervals where the depth is between MIN and MAX, merging the ranges not separated by more then LEN bp.
-W, --windows-out=LEN:MIN:MAX
Print to stdout a BED file of path intervals where the depth is outside MIN and MAX, merging the ranges not separated by more then LEN bp.


-t, --threads=N
Number of threads to use in parallel operations.

Processing Information

-P, --progress
Print information about the operations and the progress to stderr.

Program Information

-h, --help
Print a help message for odgi depth.